Why Should You Have Routine Service Performed At The Dealership?

30 September 2019
 Categories: Automotive, Blog


Your car requires several routine service procedures to run as well as possible. It is often a warranty requirement to have these procedures performed at the dealership, but what about when your warranty ends? Once your car is out of its warranty period, you will have a much higher number of options for routine maintenance. It can be tempting to find the cheapest local shop to perform oil changes or brake replacements, but there are many good reasons for continuing to stay with your local dealership instead.

You Might Increase Your Car's Value

One of the best ways to increase your car's final resale value is to keep detailed service logs. This means that every time your oil is changed or you have a repair performed, you will save a receipt as well as a note indicating the mileage and date of the service. Just having this kind of service history is essential, but many buyers will be impressed by a car that has been dealer-serviced for its entire life. The relatively small premium that you will pay for sticking with your dealership may come back to you several times over when it is time to sell your car.

Your Car Will Remain Entirely Original

Why do dealer-serviced cars often fetch a premium on the resale market? One big reason is that dealerships will always use either genuine or OE (original equipment) parts. In other words, the replacement parts that are used on your car will be the exact same parts that came with your vehicle from the factory. This guarantees both the quality and the fitment of the replacement parts used by the dealership. It also means that these parts will have the original warranty offered by your manufacturer.

Your Dealership Knows Your Car

Genuine part usage isn't the only reason that fully dealership-serviced cars are often sought after by used buyers. Dealership technicians are also highly experienced and certified in the repair of your specific vehicle. In addition to their specialized training, they deal with cars like yours every day, giving them the experience they need to get repairs done quickly. This also means that your dealership will be more adept at spotting problems before they become costly repairs. Necessary checkups like this are one of the most important parts of any routine service, so simply taking your car in for a basic oil change can help you to discover potential issues before they will cost you an arm and a leg to fix.

While there are certainly valid reasons to have your car serviced at an independent shop, there are also many compelling reasons to continue to use your dealership's service department even once your warranty period is over. A company like Grey Chevrolet Inc can answer more questions about your vehicle.